Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why Do We Have Laws?--Our Predictions

Why do we have laws? (Make sure NOT to include the words, "I think" or "I believe")


Anonymous said...

We have laws because if someone did something that was very bad then that person would get away with it and he or she would continue to do the following.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because if we didn't have any laws nobody would do the right thing. Without laws there wouldn't be any justice. There would be crimes everywhere. Just as if we didn't have traffic lights the cars would crash, that's how it would be if we didn't have any justice.

Anonymous said...

Why we have laws is to keep people on track and to make less mistakes. Laws makes people think before they act or do an illegal thing. If we don't have laws their is no justice because if they're weren't any law people would be doing whatever they want to do and that's not equality or fairness.

Anonymous said...

The reason we have laws is because criminals need to learn that we have laws that they have to respect. We have laws to help us in court for us to know the penalty for murdering. If there were no laws the world would be horrendous.There would be crimes everywhere.That's why today of our era have laws so there would not be wars between everyone.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because without laws people would go around doing whatever they wanted to do. The state would become really dangerous for other people.People driving cars, if there wasn't any stop signs to stop people from driving without looking plenty of accidents would happen.People would sell cigarettes to minors.People would carry illegal guns without a permit, go out killing people for no reason like now, only the law is helping us by protecting us from crazy people that need help.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because if there were no laws than we would have chaos and killings every second of everyday. There would be no government and we would have war because nobody would ban together to help the fight against the enemy. If they did, there wouldn't be enough people to fight. The killings would let other countries invade without problem. The fact is with out laws the U.S would be an over run dump of people from every nation.

November 20, 2007 7:35 AM

Anonymous said...

We have laws to have order in our city. Without laws things wouldn't be organized. There would be total chaos and corruption everywhere. People could just walk up the street and kill someone and not get punished. Without structure people wouldn't be safe and we would be in danger. The laws protect us in every way possible and without I don't even know if anyone would survive.

Anonymous said...

We have laws to protect us from harm ways and criminals. We have laws so when we break them we know the consequence we have for breaking them. We have laws to protect us from other harms, when someone harms us the law brings justice to us. When we endure pain by one's cause the law helps us. The laws brings justice and piece to who deserve it.

Anonymous said...

We have laws for many reasons. One big reason is to protect us from the government. We also have laws to protect us from our peers in situations when we need the law enforcements the most.

Anonymous said...

We have laws to keep everyone safe. If there weren't any laws, there wouldn't be any place to enjoy a time of living. we also have laws because they are the biggest rules you have to follow in your lifetime.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because if we didn't there will be a lot of murders and every body going crazy and people doing/selling drugs.

Anonymous said...

We have laws for our safety. The law was made to protect the people.With out laws the wouldn't be any justice.All of the criminals would be on the streets committing crimes. Instead of jail sell where they belong.There was a point to making laws to protect us and that's what it's doing.

Anonymous said...

we have laws to keep the people and community safer we also have laws because people should not be able to
do what the want if there was no laws
people would be dieing every minute
even thou now there dieing every other day. nobody have to pay taxes
if there were no laws.

Anonymous said...

we need laws because this world would be a catastrophe, everything will be out of place, this world would be the highest high crime in the united state. that is why we need rules so every body will be safe because you would not be safe if there isn't a rule for weapons. that is why we need rules in this world.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because it protects us, and it is also against us. We have laws for good reason's and bad reason's. If people did bad things and there wasn't a law for an example, people don't go to jail for murder. People will get off the hook. Then we have it for the bad people that do the crime wait! but we do have laws and then they have to do the time. I would say don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Skittlez said...

We have laws because they are important to both our community and society. If we didn't have laws then this world world be more chaotic than ever.

Anonymous said...

We have laws to keep us on track and to keep us from making mistakes. It's to learn from what we did by paying for it. Laws are important, and help everyone, even if you think their not fair!

Anonymous said...

We have laws because the government wants to protect us from any danger that may come our way.

Anonymous said...

we have law's to keep us as people in check. If we did not have laws we would have anarchy.

Anonymous said...

we have laws to protect us from society and some of the bad things that can happen to us. if we didn't have laws i would predict that the world would be in even more chaos than it already is in and the justice would have no order.

Anonymous said...

We should have laws because the criminals need to be taught a lesson, and stop killing people just because of stupid reasons.

Anonymous said...

We have laws to protect us from the government and so that people can learn from their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

We have laws because the people have certain rights and so that our community would not be chaotic.

Anonymous said...

Laws are made to protect us. So that we make sure the people are safe. If laws weren't enforced there would no telling what this world would be like . Nothing would seem to go right. It would just be a big mess!

Anonymous said...

We have laws because the people have certain rights and so that our community would not be chaotic.

Anonymous said...

As a person who wants to become a lawyer when they get older, the law is what they look up. without any laws there would be chaos and people would live on fear not trust.even though the cops of the law is sometimes one of the worse kinds of people, we still have trust in the cops that are still loyal.

Anonymous said...

Laws were made to help keep the community safe. We have laws to keep people from doing the wrong thing. If we didn't have laws the world would be and empty place because people would kill everyone in it.

Anonymous said...

We have laws, so that the U.S.A, won't be full of chaos. If we didn't have laws people would have terrible lives. More people would die. These laws were made for us to fellow, and they shouldn't be broken

Anonymous said...

We have laws because if someone does something wrong to another person, And there was no discipline for it. That person will do the something over and over again.

Anonymous said...

We have laws to laws to protect us from criminals also to stand up for our rights. We have laws because if we didnt there would be total chaos and confusion. There wouldnt be justice. Lwas help our city be civilized!!!!

Anonymous said...

we have laws so that we have something to go by! if we didn't have laws there will be chaos in our government! laws are here for us so that we can be free but without worries and troubles! the last but least reason for why we have laws is if somebody does something wrong then laws make it a lot easier to see if it is bad enough for a consequence!

Anonymous said...

We have laws because people need to be safe so their are certain things we can and canot do because of the laws. If we didnt have laws the world would be a crazy unsafe place. Another reason why we have laws is because if we didnt have laws everything would be out of place!!!!*********~~~

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.